Fish Fight Debate in the House of Commons
Dear Fish Fighters,
I’m writing with some BIG news from the Fish Fight campaign!
A huge thank-you to all of you who emailed your MP and asked them to sign Zac Goldsmith’s Fish Fight Early Day Motion.
As a result of all your effort it has just been announced that THIS WEEK there is going to be a DEBATE in the HOUSE OF COMMONS on discards, Fish Fight, and CFP reform.
It’s going to take place on Thursday 11th May between 3pm and 6pm. This is a great result, and proof that people power really works. Because of the pressure you all put on your MPs, Zac’s EDM has become the SECOND most signed EDM of this entire parliamentary session. None of this would have happened without you!
But now we need your help now more than ever!
It is really important that the house vote in favour of Zac’s motion. You can read the full wording here.
So please, please send a message to your MP asking them to vote in favour of the motion on Thursday afternoon. There are three simple steps, which will only take seconds to do.
Find out who your MP is using this link
Write or email your MP using ClientEarth’s sample letter
Ask all your fishy friends to do the same before Thursday 11th
After the debate, there will be a vote. If the motion is passed, it will send a strong message to Europe that the UK are leading the way for a radical reform of the Common Fisheries Policy, and put more pressure on our fisheries minister to follow through on his promises to end the madness of discards.
The Fish Fight campaign is really gathering steam … don’t let the pressure drop now, when we need it most!
A big thank you to all of you who are doing so much to ensure a more healthy and robust future for both our fish and our fishing communities.
Thanks Fish Fighters,
All the best,